I’ll be attending back-to-back conferences this summer. First is the Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science & Education. This will be my first Gordon conference. I’ve heard great things about Gordon’s smaller, specialized format.
Immediately after the Gordon conference I’m off to LA for SIGGRAPH 2015! Once again I’ve been accepted to present my work at the Dailies session of the conference. I’ve also been asked to give a longer talk about my work, specifically about my workflow creating technically accurate data-driven visualizations. (Only bummer is that the talk is scheduled at the same time as the Avengers 2 production session. Current game plan involves dressing like Thor to boost attendance to my talk. Think I’m kidding? You’ll need to attend to find out…)
NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio has a great showing at SIGGRAPH this year – the studio will be represented by four Dailies talks, my extended talk, one piece in the Electronic Theater, and two pieces in the VR village.
Going to SIGGRAPH and interested in learning about scientific visualization? Details for my sessions are below-
Tuesday, 11 August
Room TBD
3:45-5:15 pm
Extended Dailies talk:
Thursday, 13 August
Room 402AB
3:45-5:15 pm